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WORKSHOP: Islamic Geometric Pattern with Gillian Turnham

Individual ticket sales for In-Person and Virtual screenings are now open.  Passholders are not required to pre-order tickets for film screenings. Workshops and special events are free for passholders, and registration is required due to limited capacity.

Geometry plays a fundamental role in a vast array of traditional Artforms. For millennia, creators have used geometry to materialise their subjects according to their deeper, archetypal nature. In the Islamic tradition, geometric art is central. Tessellating geometric patterns are used to ornament architecture, textiles and manuscripts across the Islamic world.

In this workshop, we will be studying the hexagonal geometry used in this year’s ReFrame Festival design; expanding its concepts to create a classic twelvefold Islamic star pattern. Participants will learn to apply traditional ruler-and-compass construction techniques to establish a twelvefold grid structure and create a tessellating pattern on paper. We will work methodically, step by step, reflecting upon the mathematical concepts and significance as we see our pattern emerge.

This workshop is open to participants of all levels – no prior experience with geometric drawing is required.

Registration is required for the in-person workshop (3 hours), limited attendance. Stairs are a barrier to access for the in-person workshop. You may also follow along as Gillian creates this pattern in an instructional video included in the ReFrame Virtual Program. Materials required for the Virtual Workshop: drawing paper (11x14in), compass (recommended: Staedtler brand, 6in min) ruler (16in min), Pencil (2H or harder), pencil sharpener, and eraser.

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