Logging Algonquin is a documentary film that looks at the historical and ongoing logging happening in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada. Through conversations with Indigenous locals, scientists, foresters, and political experts, the film asks the question: “Does logging belong in our modern day park?” The film not only provides expert opinions but brings the viewer down onto the forest floor as they follow a group of passionate environmentalists (Mark Friesen, Katie Krelove, Dave Marcus) searching for logging in the park and a researcher (Michael Henry) attempting to document the remaining old growth forest in Algonquin. While short in length, the film dives into numerous topics around the issue and manages to relate the logging in Algonquin Park with the broader environmental condition in Ontario and across the globe.

Logging Algonquin
- Conor DeVries
- Canada
- 2023
- 29 mins
- Panel with Conor DeVries and Mike Henry
- Captioned
- Fri Jan 24
- 5:00 PM
- Market Hall
- Virtual / Hybrid Available
Individual ticket sales for In-Person and Virtual screenings are now open. Passholders are not required to pre-order tickets for film screenings. Workshops and special events are free for passholders, and registration is required due to limited capacity.

- English
- Captioned
About the Filmmaker

- www.loggingalgonquin.com
- www.instragram.com/defreezie
- Filmmaker: Conor DeVries
- Producer: Dave Marcus
Conor is an award winning documentary filmmaker and professional cinematographer. His films have been screened at festivals internationally and toured across Canada. His films primarily focus on social and environmental issues including the rising cost of education in The Right to Learn, food waste and dumpster diving in Wasted, and most recently the on-going logging of Algonquin Provincial Park in Logging Algonquin. Most of this work is meant to start a conversation; ideas and perspectives to challenge the norm and spark transformation as a result.