A close-up of someone's hands over a sheet of paper with handwritten notes, likely lyrics or music notes, as suggested by the presence of a guitar in the background. The person has several rings on their fingers and is holding a pen, possibly in the process of writing or editing the notes. The setting appears to be a wooden table, with another sheet of paper and a mug partially visible in the background, creating a casual and creative atmosphere.

The Legacy Song Project: Atlantic Chapter

Featuring the profound stories of 8 Atlantic Canadians, and the work of musician Sarah McInnis, The Legacy Song Project: Atlantic Chapter explores death, dying, grief, loss, and love, through the transformational lenses of documentary film and songwriting.

A live performance with Sarah McInnis accompanies this screening.

About the Filmmaker

Pat LePoidevin
Pat LePoidevin is a songwriter, performer, and filmmaker strongly influenced by community. With an extensive songwriting resume and opportunities for visual creation through Bay Horse Media, LePoidevin moves seamlessly between the worlds of song and film. Bay Horse Media is a small production company based out of the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia. Specializing in creative film and sound art, Bay Horse prides itself in offering storytelling through a unique and meaningful lens.

Aly Kelly
Driven by a passion to realize filmmaker’s visions, Aly Kelly is a documentary producer based on the east coast of Canada. Predominantly producing with Hodgee Films, Kelly is best known for award winning documentaries such as Freaks and Geeks: The Documentary (A&E), Pharma Bro (Blumhouse Productions) and Who Let the Dogs Out: The Documentary (Telus).

Sarah McInnis
Singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Sarah McInnis, of Peterborough, Ontario, is a storyteller, writing meaningful, personal, and relatable lyrics through which audience members can connect. Sarah’s songs come from having to travel to the raw, twisted centers of insecurity, vulnerability, shame, and grief, to hold them gently, illuminate, forgive, and thank them. With warm vocals and guitar in hand, Sarah has the ability to change the feeling in the room, giving listener’s honest, true, and personal stories that remind them that they are not alone in the serious, silly, and serendipitous parts of life. 

In June 2023 Sarah released Threads, 8 original songs based on the stories of 8 Atlantic Canadians – 4 at end-of-life, 4 who have lost loved ones. The album is accompanied by a short documentary film by Nova Scotia filmmakers, Aly Kelly and Pat LePoidevin, and follows the conversations with the participants that Sarah interviewed to create the songs.

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ReFrame Film Festival


for “This is What the World Looks Like When You’re Gone / The Legacy Song Project / Alive in Bronze”

20-minutes prior to Showtime:

At the Showplace Box Office

$15 or PWYC • limited to availability

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