A composite image with a double exposure effect. In the foreground, a translucent image of a human hand holding a bunch of wildflowers with purple blooms is superimposed. Behind this, a rural landscape unfolds, featuring a field of golden-hued grass leading to rustic wooden buildings that appear to be barns or farmhouses. The background scene is in sharp focus, with clear blue skies above and the structures casting shadows on the grass, indicating sunlight coming from the left. The overall effect is ethereal and artistic, with the hand and flowers adding a touch of delicate human presence to the rugged countryside setting.

This is What the World Looks Like When You’re Gone

When we lose someone, the world ticks on just the same. But for those left behind everything is entirely changed. This is What the World Looks Like When You’re Gone is a beautifully made, contemplative look at love, loss and family.

Guest in attendance, Q&A with Steen Star

About the Filmmaker

Steen Starr (she/her) is a writer, playwright, performer and filmmaker based in Toronto, Canada. Her work focuses on queer identity, sexuality and experiences of being human using humour, candour and “sharply drawn insights” (Edmonton Journal). Starr’s previous two short films circulated to festivals internationally and collectively won 7 awards. Her current work, This is What the World Looks Like When You’re Gone, was selected as Best Documentary at the 2023 Women Over Fifty Film Festival in the UK. 

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ReFrame Film Festival


for “This is What the World Looks Like When You’re Gone / The Legacy Song Project / Alive in Bronze”

20-minutes prior to Showtime:

At the Showplace Box Office

$15 or PWYC • limited to availability

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