
Local Connections

A minimalist artistic illustration depicting a series of wavy, horizontal lines against a dark blue background, representing hills. Scattered across the hills are simple, triangular shapes that suggest trees. Above this tranquil scene, there are multiple round shapes with a textured appearance, representing moons or celestial bodies. The use of light greenish-yellow for these elements creates a striking contrast with the dark background, giving the impression of a night scene. The composition is serene, with a whimsical or dreamlike quality.

There Are Hierarchies of Grief

Smokii Sumac reflects on the wisdom and strength of bereaved mothers, as he is faced with the grief of waking up to a changed world–the day after Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States. There have been mornings worse than this one.

The image is a composite with a layered visual effect. In the foreground, there is a semi-transparent overlay of a person's head and upper torso. The person has short hair, wears glasses, and is looking slightly to the right. The background is a dramatic scene with a fiery explosion near the bottom and lightning in the upper right corner against a dark, stormy sky. Overlaid text at the bottom of the image reads: "There are brilliant flashes of red, yellow and azure blue in the reaches of my grey matter." The overall effect is surreal, suggesting a dynamic and possibly tumultuous inner state.

Winding Our Way Home

Winding Our Way Home explores a journey of creating short films with women who live with Brain Injuries. It is about their experiences of living with invisible disabilities, their sense of belonging and identity.

Guests in attendance, Q&A with Melissa Addison-Webster

A close-up of someone's hands over a sheet of paper with handwritten notes, likely lyrics or music notes, as suggested by the presence of a guitar in the background. The person has several rings on their fingers and is holding a pen, possibly in the process of writing or editing the notes. The setting appears to be a wooden table, with another sheet of paper and a mug partially visible in the background, creating a casual and creative atmosphere.

The Legacy Song Project: Atlantic Chapter

Featuring the profound stories of 8 Atlantic Canadians, and the work of musician Sarah McInnis, The Legacy Song Project: Atlantic Chapter explores death, dying, grief, loss, and love, through the transformational lenses of documentary film and songwriting.

A live performance with Sarah McInnis accompanies this screening.

A person wearing glasses and a baseball cap is standing outside, arms crossed, with a slight smile on their face. They are looking off to the side, possibly at something out of the frame. The setting seems to be residential, as they are standing in front of a house with siding and a window reflecting the sky. It appears to be dusk, as the light is soft and a lamp next to the house is illuminated.

Kirby’s House

For twenty years now, Kirby, who has an intellectual disability, has been living on his own and is thriving in his quaint little house on a colourful small-town street. He is surrounded by helpful neighbours and a unique support network that understands the power of community and belonging.

Guest in attendance, Q&A with Rob Viscardis

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