
Visually Striking

In a dimly lit pub, a group of people are gathered, some sitting and some standing. The focus is on a person playing a banjo in the center, surrounded by onlookers who are attentively listening or waiting their turn to perform. The mood is casual and communal, typical of an informal music session. The image is monochromatic, which adds a timeless and candid feel to the scene.

North Circular

Those in power write the history. Those who struggle write the songs. North Circular is a documentary musical that travels the length of Dublin’s North Circular Road, from the Phoenix Park to Dublin Port, exploring the history, music and streetscapes of a street that links some of the country’s most beloved and infamous places.

A person stands on a rocky outcrop overlooking a breathtaking fjord. The turquoise water of the fjord contrasts sharply with the lush green slopes and the rugged, mist-covered mountain peaks that rise steeply on either side. Clouds partially shroud the mountains, adding a mystical quality to the landscape. The person appears small against the vastness of the natural surroundings, emphasizing the grandeur and scale of the scenery. The overall atmosphere is one of tranquility and awe-inspiring natural beauty.

Songs of Earth

Songs of Earth is a majestic symphony for the big screen. The filmmaker’s father is our guide. Bringing us through Norway’s most scenic valley, he shows us where generations have been living alongside nature to in order to survive. The sounds of earth harmonize together to make music in this breathtaking journey.

An aerial image that captures a striking natural contrast between a turquoise blue body of water and a greyish, textured landscape possibly of sand or silt. In the water, a small figure in a kayak, provides a sense of scale, emphasizing the vastness of the surroundings. The water's vibrant hue suggests it may be rich in minerals or glacially fed, while the sinuous patterns in the grey area indicate the movement of water over time. The scene is serene and appears remote.

Losing Blue

What does it mean to lose a colour? Losing Blue is a cinematic poem about what it means to lose the otherworldly blues of ancient mountain lakes, now fading due to climate change. This short documentary gently asks what it might mean to forget that the ethereal blues of these lakes ever existed.

A jellyfish is floating in the water, its dome-shaped bell and trailing tentacles visible. The water around it is speckled with numerous small particles, suggesting plankton or organic debris. The jellyfish is a reddish-brown color, providing a contrast against the deep blue of the ocean. The scene captures the serene, yet alien beauty of marine life in its natural habitat.

Deep Rising

This exquisite fly-on-the-wall environmental doc is a gripping and up-to-the-minute tale of geopolitical, scientific, and corporate intrigue. It exposes the destructive machinations of an organization empowered to extract massive amounts of metals from the deep seafloor.

A close-up of a woman's back in a sauna, with water droplets cascading down their skin in a spray of light against a dark background. Sunlight filters through a window, highlighting the water's motion and creating a contrast with the shadows in the room. The focus on the water droplets gives the scene a dynamic and intimate quality.

Smoke Sauna Sisterhood

In the darkness of smoke sauna, women share their innermost secrets and intimate experiences. Through a sense of communion, women wash off the shame trapped in their bodies and regain their strength.

A figure with an avant-garde appearance is positioned in the foreground, dressed in what appears to be a white costume with structural, organic shapes enveloping the body and an elaborate headpiece resembling a stylized, textured wig or headdress. The figure's face is painted white, with darkened eyes and lips, and exhibits a neutral expression. The background shows an interior space with curved architecture and multiple people in motion, possibly a subway station or a public concourse, with a softly blurred focus that suggests movement and life happening around the still, striking figure in the foreground.


Gena, a Queer artist from a small town in Russia, dresses in otherworldly costumes made from junk and tape, and protests the government on the streets of Moscow. She stages radical performances in public that become a new form of art and activism. The performances—often dark, strange, evocative, and Queer at their core — are a manifestation of Gena’s subconscious. But they come at a price.

An abstract artwork featuring a mix of textures and patterns. The central figure resembles a dark silhouette of a human profile against a background that includes elements of text, possibly from a map, overlaid with splatters, drips, and strokes of paint.

Ajjigiingiluktaaqtugut (We Are All Different)

What does it mean to be Inuk? Historically depicted as welcoming and friendly people in remote snowy landscapes, in reality, Inuit live across the globe. Using antique wind-up bears, layered animation, and analogue techniques, McIntyre constructs an animated documentary in an exploration of identity and belonging by Inuit, both in and outside of community.

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