
Captioned in English

A person stands on a balcony with their arms crossed, surrounded by graffiti-covered walls. Behind them, a cityscape with various buildings in different states of construction and maintenance is visible. The contrast between the neglected foreground and the bustling city background highlights a narrative of urban resilience and perhaps social issues. The sunlight casts shadows, adding to the gritty ambiance of the setting.

The Cities I Live In

Newly settled in Belfast, a filmmaker tells his infant twins about his life journey. They see him leaving one violent place for another, longing for places that he will never see again, and hoping they will not carry his curse.

A group of individuals is seated at a long table set with a white tablecloth, in what appears to be a social gathering. On the table, there are candles, glasses, and dishes suggesting the meal is either in progress or has just concluded. The attendees are dressed in a variety of attire, ranging from formal to semi-formal. The atmosphere is convivial, with some individuals engaged in conversation. The background is a plain wall, giving the scene a simple and focused ambiance on the gathering.

The Best of Both Worlds

“During my employment, I was able to learn my culture on a daily basis while coordinating programs with community workers and provincial agencies.”
Taylor offers a glimpse into her extensive work with the Anishinabek Nation (formerly Union of Ontario Indians) in implementing the Ontario Indigenous Healing and Wellness Strategy. During her involvement, Taylor witnessed the government’s acknowledgement of Traditional Healers and First Nations communities’ reclaiming of their Anishinaabe Knowledge.

PANEL: Wshkiigmong Dibaajmownan/Curve Lake Storytelling

A hand with the palm facing forward and fingers slightly apart, set against a backdrop of a rock surface with natural lines and crevices. The lighting is soft and dim, suggesting either early morning or late afternoon, with warm tones that give the skin a reddish hue, contrasting with the cooler tones of the rock. The focus is on the hand, which is centered in the frame, while the rock surface in the background is slightly blurred. The composition is simple and evocative.

There’s Not Much We Can Do

In this personal essay documentary, the director reflects on getting diagnosed with endometriosis through observing the invasive Japanese Knotweed. While the plant is treated with urgency, the disease is met with inaction, prompting us to question the very things we consider “natural” in the first place.

Two individuals are sitting close together on a high ledge, looking out over a desert-like landscape with sand dunes stretching towards the horizon. The sky is a warm, hazy orange, possibly indicating either sunrise or sunset. The companionship between the two figures is emphasized by one person's arm around the other, suggesting a moment of shared experience or reflection in a vast and tranquil environment.


Each week, two friends born 67 years apart share their life stories in the living room of a seniors’ residence. When Raquel finds a way to bring Madeleine with her on a road trip to the sea, the result is a journey that plays with reality and fiction and brings a reflection on life, death and the certainty that there is always something to learn along the way.

Four individuals are seated around a dining table in a dimly lit room that suggests a vintage or historical setting. The warm glow from the windows, adorned with patterned stained glass, provides natural light. The room is decorated with patterned wallpaper, and there are traditional furnishings and decorations, including a cabinet and a clock on the wall, which contribute to the room's old-fashioned ambiance. The scene has a calm and intimate feel, with the focus on the people at the table, possibly engaged in conversation over a meal.

Demon Box

After festival rejections, a director revises his intensely personal short film about trauma, suicide, and the Holocaust. He transforms the film into a painful, blunt and funny dissection of itself, and of his own life. Ten years in the making.

Guests in attendance, Q&A with Sean Wainsteim

A person with shoulder-length bright red hair stands in the foreground, smiling slightly, with a blurred city skyline in the background. They are wearing a black top, and the overcast sky suggests a muted daylight setting. Below the skyline, there's a glimpse of a highway with moving vehicles, bordered by greenery. The focus on the individual with the cityscape backdrop creates a juxtaposition between the person and the urban environment.


After miscarrying her baby in prison due to shackling, Pamela Winn becomes an activist, leading thousands to support – and pass – the 2019 Georgia Dignity Act, which outlawed shackling of pregnant and postpartum inmates. Winn follows Pamela’s journey from prison to the halls of the state Capitol, from incarcerated person to outspoken law-changer, from powerless to empowered.

A woman stands outside a brick building, holding a box of Playtex tampons and a long printed receipt. They are smiling at the camera, dressed in a cozy, textured beige jacket with a navy blue top visible underneath. Their curly hair is pulled back from their face, and they wear round earrings.


Periodical tells the unexpected story of the human body by exploring the marvel and mystery of the menstrual cycle, from first period to last. Lina Lyte Plioplyte’s innovative documentary uncovers shocking truths, challenges taboos, and celebrates the end of centuries of societal stigma.

Related VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: Period Poverty & Advocacy | Tuesday, Jan 30 at 7:00PM EST – Pre-register now!

An individual with short curly hair is posing with one arm extended, wearing a black sleeveless top. They are outdoors, with a backdrop of greenery and urban structures, possibly on a rooftop. The person's expression is poised and serene, and the lighting suggests it could be late afternoon or early evening. The scene conveys a sense of calm confidence and the outdoors setting provides a relaxed atmosphere.

Maboungou: Being in the World

Dive into the resonant universe of Montréal-based choreographer and philosopher Zab Maboungou, of Franco-Congolese origin. For over thirty years, she has galvanized the contemporary dance scene with her radically regrounded conception of time, the body, and the self. Her political history, artistry, and pioneering research have empowered other African artists around the world.

 Guests in attendance, Q&A with Philip Szporer and Marlene Miller

Join us for a workshop with the creators of this film.
Performing Arts Documentary with Mouvement Perpétuel

Two kayakers navigate rough waters, their expressions focused and exhilarated. The person in the foreground paddles vigorously, splashes surrounding their red kayak. The person behind, partially obscured by splashing water, also appears engaged in the challenge, maneuvering a red kayak with a blue top deck. The backdrop is full of lush greenery and vegetation.

Paddle Tribal Waters

When the largest dam removal project in history begins, a group of Indigenous youth learn to whitewater kayak in hopes of becoming the first people to paddle the restored river from source to sea. The film gives viewers a bird’s eye view of an unforgettable group of youth training for the adventure of a lifetime.

A person stands outdoors holding a large feather and a decorated wooden box with a painted floral design. They are wearing a white button-up shirt, glasses, and have a pendant necklace of a tree. The environment includes a green tree, a house with a porch in the background, and foliage near the building's foundation. The person's expression is serious and they look directly at the camera.

My Beginnings

“You have the love and respect of your grandparents, and eventually that’s what you become.”
Knott explores her beginnings with family and love through their connection to one another, Land, water, plants, and animals. There is loss and reconnection, while also building courage “to take back my life.” The spiritual cycle continues.

PANEL: Wshkiigmong Dibaajmownan/Curve Lake Storytelling

Two puppet-like figures with painted faces and exaggerated makeup are positioned close together against a bokeh background with purple and blue hues. The figure on the left has black hair and pink makeup, while the one on the right has bright green hair and darker makeup around the eyes. The facial expressions are fixed and stylized, with a handmade quality to the crafting of their features.

Blush – An Extraordinary Voyage

For 18-year-old Finnish–Kosovan Fatu, a simple visit to the grocery store feels as nerve-racking as a lunar expedition. For the first time in his life, he’s wearing makeup in public. Luckily his best friend Rai, a young woman on the spectrum of autism, is there to ferociously support him through the voyage.

A person with braided hair is standing at a locker, looking over their shoulder with a contemplative expression. They are wearing casual clothing and a backpack, indicating they could be a student. The hallway in the background is blurred.

Loud & Here

After noticing too many cases of sexual violence going unreported or unpunished within their own schools, 23 teen girls decided to take matters into their own hands to make meaningful changes to school board policy across Québec.

An individual, likely a mature adult given the visible gray beard and wrinkles, is aiming a laser gun. The device is held up to their face, and their focused gaze is directed towards the target. They are wearing a gray beanie and a dark jacket, and the background is softly blurred with a clear sky, indicating an outdoor setting during the day. The device’s detailed mechanics are visible, emphasizing a the advanced technology.


Deep in the Mojave desert, an unconventional field biologist wages a high-tech war against ravens – laser cannons, drones, exploding turtle shells – in a last ditch effort to save the last few desert tortoises from extinction.

Viewed through multiple circular vignettes, the image captures an individual engaged in the process of hide tanning. The person is wearing a red plaid jacket and a warm cap, indicating a cold environment with snow on the ground. They are using tools to scrape and work on the hide, which is stretched out on a frame. Each circular frame overlaps to create a collage effect, showcasing different stages or angles of the hide tanning process.

My Storytelling

“Using my hands are very important to me.”
Knott recounts her history, intertwined with her family and community through a motif of hands that work and create. Highlighting her mother’s highly skilled, detail-oriented, and artful moccasin-making, Knott continues that work of care. To love is to touch, forming a connection with the earth, and those you care for.

PANEL: Wshkiigmong Dibaajmownan/Curve Lake Storytelling

A dog stands atop a vast landscape of debris under a hazy sky, with the sun low on the horizon casting a warm glow over the scene. The landfill is littered with varied waste, and the dog's silhouette is outlined against the bright backdrop of the sun. The atmosphere appears calm yet somber, with the desolation of the waste and the solitary figure of the dog creating a poignant contrast.

Plastic Fantastic

Our planet is permeated with plastic particles. This film follows several people who deal with the disposal of plastic, as well as its production. In the process, the system that causes the mountains of plastic to grow becomes apparent.

Register for the Virtual Q&A | Wednesday, Jan 31 at 10AM EST

A person with long dark hair wearing a white sleeveless top and a patterned skirt is standing in a wooded area with lush greenery. They have their eyes closed and hands clasped over their chest in a gesture that suggests contemplation or serenity. Sunlight filters through the trees, highlighting the natural setting and the individual's peaceful pose.

“The Rez”

“Never forget me, remember me, this is your home.”
The Rez” is so much more than the pain inflicted by settler-colonialism. Lewis speaks to her greater community, her love for their strength, and the fight they give to keep the community whole. Identity and community are vital; Lewis embraces both without compromise.

PANEL: Wshkiigmong Dibaajmownan/Curve Lake Storytelling

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