A person with long dark hair wearing a white sleeveless top and a patterned skirt is standing in a wooded area with lush greenery. They have their eyes closed and hands clasped over their chest in a gesture that suggests contemplation or serenity. Sunlight filters through the trees, highlighting the natural setting and the individual's peaceful pose.

“The Rez”

“Never forget me, remember me, this is your home.”
The Rez” is so much more than the pain inflicted by settler-colonialism. Lewis speaks to her greater community, her love for their strength, and the fight they give to keep the community whole. Identity and community are vital; Lewis embraces both without compromise.

PANEL: Wshkiigmong Dibaajmownan/Curve Lake Storytelling

About the Filmmaker

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ReFrame Film Festival


for “SHORTS: Curve Lake Storytellers”

20-minutes prior to Showtime:

At the Market Hall Box Office

$15 or PWYC • limited to availability

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