

Three individuals are standing in a triangle for what appears to be a knighting ceremony. One person is turned away from the camera, showing only their back. On top of their shoulder lays the end of a sword, held by the person across from them. That person is standing with a serious demeanor, dressed in a biker-style vest with various patches. The third person stands to the right of the biker, staring at the sword with a focused expression.

Praying For Armageddon

The Countdown to Armageddon has begun. As biblical prophecy fuels political power, American Evangelicals threaten U.S. democracy and push for the Apocalypse in the Middle East. With close-quarters journalism, this feature documentary takes a deep dive into power and policy, and investigates the dangerous consequences of a fusion between Evangelical Christianity and American politics.

A person stands on a rocky outcrop overlooking a breathtaking fjord. The turquoise water of the fjord contrasts sharply with the lush green slopes and the rugged, mist-covered mountain peaks that rise steeply on either side. Clouds partially shroud the mountains, adding a mystical quality to the landscape. The person appears small against the vastness of the natural surroundings, emphasizing the grandeur and scale of the scenery. The overall atmosphere is one of tranquility and awe-inspiring natural beauty.

Songs of Earth

Songs of Earth is a majestic symphony for the big screen. The filmmaker’s father is our guide. Bringing us through Norway’s most scenic valley, he shows us where generations have been living alongside nature to in order to survive. The sounds of earth harmonize together to make music in this breathtaking journey.

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