
Fri Jan 26

A hand with the palm facing forward and fingers slightly apart, set against a backdrop of a rock surface with natural lines and crevices. The lighting is soft and dim, suggesting either early morning or late afternoon, with warm tones that give the skin a reddish hue, contrasting with the cooler tones of the rock. The focus is on the hand, which is centered in the frame, while the rock surface in the background is slightly blurred. The composition is simple and evocative.

There’s Not Much We Can Do

In this personal essay documentary, the director reflects on getting diagnosed with endometriosis through observing the invasive Japanese Knotweed. While the plant is treated with urgency, the disease is met with inaction, prompting us to question the very things we consider “natural” in the first place.

A person is standing in the center of a street with one fist raised high. The individual is wearing a dark beanie, a t-shirt, and jeans, and has a serious expression. The street is lined with various commercial buildings and cars are visible in both directions. The context of the raised fist, a symbol often associated with solidarity and support for a cause, suggests a moment of protest or statement. The image captures a sense of defiance or activism.

Detroit Will Breathe

In the summer of 2020, Detroiters faced unprecedented police violence as they took to the streets to protest the killings of Black people across the country. Detroit Will Breathe provides an unprecedented look into the actions of the police and examines what it means to be part of an integrated movement fighting for Black lives.

A person with shoulder-length bright red hair stands in the foreground, smiling slightly, with a blurred city skyline in the background. They are wearing a black top, and the overcast sky suggests a muted daylight setting. Below the skyline, there's a glimpse of a highway with moving vehicles, bordered by greenery. The focus on the individual with the cityscape backdrop creates a juxtaposition between the person and the urban environment.


After miscarrying her baby in prison due to shackling, Pamela Winn becomes an activist, leading thousands to support – and pass – the 2019 Georgia Dignity Act, which outlawed shackling of pregnant and postpartum inmates. Winn follows Pamela’s journey from prison to the halls of the state Capitol, from incarcerated person to outspoken law-changer, from powerless to empowered.

An individual with short curly hair is posing with one arm extended, wearing a black sleeveless top. They are outdoors, with a backdrop of greenery and urban structures, possibly on a rooftop. The person's expression is poised and serene, and the lighting suggests it could be late afternoon or early evening. The scene conveys a sense of calm confidence and the outdoors setting provides a relaxed atmosphere.

Maboungou: Being in the World

Dive into the resonant universe of Montréal-based choreographer and philosopher Zab Maboungou, of Franco-Congolese origin. For over thirty years, she has galvanized the contemporary dance scene with her radically regrounded conception of time, the body, and the self. Her political history, artistry, and pioneering research have empowered other African artists around the world.

 Guests in attendance, Q&A with Philip Szporer and Marlene Miller

Join us for a workshop with the creators of this film.
Performing Arts Documentary with Mouvement Perpétuel

Two kayakers navigate rough waters, their expressions focused and exhilarated. The person in the foreground paddles vigorously, splashes surrounding their red kayak. The person behind, partially obscured by splashing water, also appears engaged in the challenge, maneuvering a red kayak with a blue top deck. The backdrop is full of lush greenery and vegetation.

Paddle Tribal Waters

When the largest dam removal project in history begins, a group of Indigenous youth learn to whitewater kayak in hopes of becoming the first people to paddle the restored river from source to sea. The film gives viewers a bird’s eye view of an unforgettable group of youth training for the adventure of a lifetime.

A person with braided hair is standing at a locker, looking over their shoulder with a contemplative expression. They are wearing casual clothing and a backpack, indicating they could be a student. The hallway in the background is blurred.

Loud & Here

After noticing too many cases of sexual violence going unreported or unpunished within their own schools, 23 teen girls decided to take matters into their own hands to make meaningful changes to school board policy across Québec.

An individual, likely a mature adult given the visible gray beard and wrinkles, is aiming a laser gun. The device is held up to their face, and their focused gaze is directed towards the target. They are wearing a gray beanie and a dark jacket, and the background is softly blurred with a clear sky, indicating an outdoor setting during the day. The device’s detailed mechanics are visible, emphasizing a the advanced technology.


Deep in the Mojave desert, an unconventional field biologist wages a high-tech war against ravens – laser cannons, drones, exploding turtle shells – in a last ditch effort to save the last few desert tortoises from extinction.

Hands wearing blue protective gloves are carefully handling a traditional "horn hat" with a red top and a decorative, patterned band. The person handling the hat is wearing a dark blue shirt and a red vest, suggesting they may be a professional conservator or curator in a museum setting. The focus on the gloves and the hat emphasizes the care being taken to preserve a culturally significant artifact.


As museums begin to deal with their colonial history, filmmaker Suvi West takes the audience behind the scenes of the museum world, revealing a visual, philosophical, and spiritual realm. She seeks a connection with ancestors through old museum objects, eventually arriving at the collective pain points of the Sámi people.

An individual is standing at an open doorway, facing a balcony and looking out at an urban landscape. The sign above the balcony reads "CHIN WING CHUN SOCIETY" in English and has Chinese characters beneath it. The view includes modern buildings, and the doorway is framed with colourful glass panes, suggesting a traditional or historical setting within a contemporary city environment.

Big Fight in Little Chinatown

All across the globe, Chinatowns are under threat of disappearing – and along with them, the rich history of communities who fought from the margins for a place to belong. Big Fight in Little Chinatown documents the collective fight to save Chinatowns across North America.

A figure with an avant-garde appearance is positioned in the foreground, dressed in what appears to be a white costume with structural, organic shapes enveloping the body and an elaborate headpiece resembling a stylized, textured wig or headdress. The figure's face is painted white, with darkened eyes and lips, and exhibits a neutral expression. The background shows an interior space with curved architecture and multiple people in motion, possibly a subway station or a public concourse, with a softly blurred focus that suggests movement and life happening around the still, striking figure in the foreground.


Gena, a Queer artist from a small town in Russia, dresses in otherworldly costumes made from junk and tape, and protests the government on the streets of Moscow. She stages radical performances in public that become a new form of art and activism. The performances—often dark, strange, evocative, and Queer at their core — are a manifestation of Gena’s subconscious. But they come at a price.

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