
Partially Captioned in English

The image is a monochrome photograph of a child's hands interacting with magnets. The hands are small with youthful features, suggesting the person's young age. The magnets on the fingertips have attracted iron filings, which have clustered around the poles of the magnets, creating a visual display of the magnetic field lines. The activity seems to be an exploratory or educational play with the principles of magnetism.

Iron Butterflies

On July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down by Russian forces over eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board. The attack was immediately questioned and obscured by the Russian government and media. As evidence piled up, the reality only became more shocking and incredible.

A firefighter is walking through a desolate scene of devastation following a fire. The ground is charred and covered in ash, and there's smoke in the air, obscuring the visibility. Trees and structures appear to be badly burned, with some trees reduced to bare trunks. This image conveys the aftermath of a significant fire event, highlighting the destruction and the ongoing response by emergency services.


From director Phillipe Falardeau, one of Canada’s most successful and acclaimed contemporary filmmakers, Lac-Mégantic investigates one of the worst oil train tragedies in history, a foreseeable catastrophe ignited by corporate and political negligence. The next Lac-Mégantic is not a matter of if, but when.

A lone white plastic chair sits on a small, narrow balcony with green railings. The balcony is part of a building with a facade of large, beige stone tiles. The viewpoint is from an adjacent building, capturing the scene at a slight angle, which gives a voyeuristic glimpse into this quiet urban space.

A Short Film About a Chair

A lonely chair on an abandoned balcony, a photographer watching it days and nights, a strange thing happens that will change the life of the chair for ever.

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