
12:30 PM

A swimmer is resting at the edge of a swimming pool, wearing a white swim cap with "R.O.T. MARDINI" printed on it alongside the Olympic rings and a logo for the brand "arena". The swimmer is leaning their arms on the poolside and has their face turned to one side, looking thoughtful or focused. Water droplets are visible on the swimmer's cap, indicating recent activity in the pool. The pool water has a bright blue color, which suggests an indoor setting with good lighting.

Long Distance Swimmer – Sara Mardini

Sara Mardini, once a competitive swimmer in Syria, became Europe’s most celebrated refugee after saving 18 people’s lives. After working as a rescue volunteer in the Mediterranean, she is accused of people smuggling and faces a 25-year prison sentence. We follow her fight for justice and journey of self-discovery against the backdrop of Europe’s refugee ‘crisis’.

The photo shows the lower half of an individual walking with the aid of a prosthetic leg. The person is wearing shorts, a single black sock, and black shoes. The flooring is a smooth, reflective surface, and there are handrails alongside, suggesting a rehabilitation facility or a space designed for physical therapy. The focus on the prosthetic leg highlights themes of mobility, recovery, and adaptive technology.


Fitting explores the relationship between the director, an amputee, and her prosthetist during the making of a prosthetic leg. It demystifies an unfamiliar space and asks what it means to create an extension to someone else’s body, questioning prejudice widely seen within our society’s consideration of body image.

This image shows a behind-the-scenes view of a video production set. A video camera is in the foreground, focused on a person who is backlit against a large screen displaying colourful, stylized imagery resembling a landscape. The person's silhouette is also visible on the screen, indicating they might be performing or presenting. Monitors attached to the camera display the same image, allowing the crew to see what is being captured.

Janelle Niles: Inconvenient

Janelle Niles is a Black, Mi’kmaw, two-spirited woman from Sipekne’katik First Nation in Nova Scotia and a stand-up comedian. Despite a tumultuous upbringing, Janelle embraces her biracial experience and queer identity, using stand-up to usher in a new era of inclusive, Canadian comedy.

A person stands confidently in a power stance against a vibrant red background. They are dressed in a black leather jacket over a t-shirt with the phrase "Ignorance is Your Enemy" written on it, a short brown skirt, and thigh-high tan boots. Their right hand is on their hip and they wear a black beret with a gold emblem. Beside them is a placard leaning against their leg with "POWER TO THE PEOPLE" in bold letters. The environment suggests an urban setting, possibly a staged or artistic setup given the uniform red colour and lighting.

Orlando, My Political Biography

In Orlando, My Political Biography theorist, critic, and curator Paul B. Preciado takes Virginia Woolf’s classic novel as a starting point for a bold, joyous reflection on the nature of contemporary trans life and a celebration of queerness.

A person wearing a cap, glasses, and a cross necklace is seated beside a large figure in a bear costume. The bear figure is standing on two legs, with one arm raised and the other extended forward, displaying claws. Both figures are set against a blue-tinted backdrop with silhouetted foliage, creating a surreal, nocturnal scene.

A Bear Named Jesus

At Aunty Gladys’ funeral, Archer Pechawis heard a tap on the window — it was a bear named Jesus. This film is an allegory for religious interference, with an aching yet humorous look at estrangement, and mourning for the loss of someone still living.

The image is a composite with a layered visual effect. In the foreground, there is a semi-transparent overlay of a person's head and upper torso. The person has short hair, wears glasses, and is looking slightly to the right. The background is a dramatic scene with a fiery explosion near the bottom and lightning in the upper right corner against a dark, stormy sky. Overlaid text at the bottom of the image reads: "There are brilliant flashes of red, yellow and azure blue in the reaches of my grey matter." The overall effect is surreal, suggesting a dynamic and possibly tumultuous inner state.

Winding Our Way Home

Winding Our Way Home explores a journey of creating short films with women who live with Brain Injuries. It is about their experiences of living with invisible disabilities, their sense of belonging and identity.

Guests in attendance, Q&A with Melissa Addison-Webster

The image depicts an illustrated character wearing a traditional Anishinaabe headdress with a single feather extending upwards. The character has a solemn expression and has bright blue tears streaming down their face. Their left hand is placed over their chest, which is also glowing in blue light. They are set against a starry night sky, adding a serene or contemplative mood to the image. The character’s attire includes decorative elements and vibrant colours, suggesting a cultural or ceremonial significance.

Heart Like a Pow Wow

Heart Like A Pow Wow explores the depths of grief from an Anishinaabe perspective of love and family. Viewers are called to witness Spirit as they shift to physical form while embodying the love that precedes grief and inevitably foreshadows it.

A collage with a silhouette of a person with their head in their hands, suggesting despair or anxiety. Their body is filled with various images against a pixelated, digital background. The silhouette's head contains an image of a melting glacier, and in their eye glasses, a forest fire rages. The torso contains a turbulent tornado. The legs of the silhouette are filled with an image of a landfill showing scattered debris and a piece of machinery. The overall composition has a surreal or abstract quality, blending human form with environmental imagery.

Feeling the Apocalypse

From the disappearing wildlife in his hometown of Owen Sound to the news stories about the melting of Greenland, psychotherapist Anderson Todd tells us how fragmenting ecosystems around the world have affected his psyche and his relationships. Do the realities of collapse necessarily spell paralyzing despair, or is there something positive we can take from this?

Guest in attendance, Q&A with Chen Sing Yap

A group of soccer players are huddled together, celebrating near the edge of the field. They are surrounded by vibrant flares and smoke, mostly in red, adding to the dramatic atmosphere. In the background, the crowd is animated, with some fans waving flags energetically. The scene is at night, under artificial lighting, and captures the energy and excitement typical of a soccer match.

Allihopa: The Dalkurd Story

The inspirational story of The Dalkurd Football Club, a scrappy group of Kurdish refugees in Sweden who defy all odds to climb the ranks of Sweden’s soccer leagues in hopes of becoming champions, and bringing glory and attention to the plight of their stateless people.

Register for the virtual Q&A | Wednesday, Jan 31 at 5:30PM EST

Two turtles are basking in the sun on a log that extends across a tranquil body of water. The larger turtle is in the foreground with a distinct, patterned shell, and the smaller turtle is directly behind it. The surrounding water reflects the log, turtles, and the dense green foliage above, speckled with sunlight filtering through the leaves. Floating aquatic plants are scattered on the water's surface around the log.

Turtle Crossing

“Now when I close my eyes, I see endless possibilities.”
Taylor recounts his deep reconnection to his Grandma Bernice during a very challenging time in his life. Through his family, Taylor regains a sense of self and community. Taylor’s story demonstrates the importance of connection and ancestry.

PANEL: Wshkiigmong Dibaajmownan/Curve Lake Storytelling

Three people are working in a garden during what appears to be the early morning, given the soft sunlight. They are all dressed in the same white garments while tending to the plants, which are in neat rows and supported by a wire structure. The lush greenery in the background suggests a fertile, well-maintained agricultural environment.

Seeds of Change

An organic farmer in Maine sets out to transform the prison food system. Filmed over the course of two years, Seeds of Change chronicles the intersecting stories of lifelong farmer Mark McBrine and several incarcerated men as they grow their own food from a five acre prison garden unlike any other.

Silhouetted against a light sky with faint mountain outlines, there is a large, stylized black cutout of a bear with white accents for the bear's eyes, nose, and mouth, giving it a stark, graphic appearance. In the lower left corner, a human hand is visible, holding the bottom edge of the bear silhouette.

Shitty Little

This is a playful, poignant & very memorable live action animation, where humans take from forests whatever they desire – leaving nothing. Shitty Little is critical of a prevalent attitude in western culture that says there is no inherent value in nature, that it must be taken and shaped into a product for sale to have worth.

A firefighter is walking through a desolate scene of devastation following a fire. The ground is charred and covered in ash, and there's smoke in the air, obscuring the visibility. Trees and structures appear to be badly burned, with some trees reduced to bare trunks. This image conveys the aftermath of a significant fire event, highlighting the destruction and the ongoing response by emergency services.


From director Phillipe Falardeau, one of Canada’s most successful and acclaimed contemporary filmmakers, Lac-Mégantic investigates one of the worst oil train tragedies in history, a foreseeable catastrophe ignited by corporate and political negligence. The next Lac-Mégantic is not a matter of if, but when.

A group of individuals is seated at a long table set with a white tablecloth, in what appears to be a social gathering. On the table, there are candles, glasses, and dishes suggesting the meal is either in progress or has just concluded. The attendees are dressed in a variety of attire, ranging from formal to semi-formal. The atmosphere is convivial, with some individuals engaged in conversation. The background is a plain wall, giving the scene a simple and focused ambiance on the gathering.

The Best of Both Worlds

“During my employment, I was able to learn my culture on a daily basis while coordinating programs with community workers and provincial agencies.”
Taylor offers a glimpse into her extensive work with the Anishinabek Nation (formerly Union of Ontario Indians) in implementing the Ontario Indigenous Healing and Wellness Strategy. During her involvement, Taylor witnessed the government’s acknowledgement of Traditional Healers and First Nations communities’ reclaiming of their Anishinaabe Knowledge.

PANEL: Wshkiigmong Dibaajmownan/Curve Lake Storytelling

Two individuals are sitting close together on a high ledge, looking out over a desert-like landscape with sand dunes stretching towards the horizon. The sky is a warm, hazy orange, possibly indicating either sunrise or sunset. The companionship between the two figures is emphasized by one person's arm around the other, suggesting a moment of shared experience or reflection in a vast and tranquil environment.


Each week, two friends born 67 years apart share their life stories in the living room of a seniors’ residence. When Raquel finds a way to bring Madeleine with her on a road trip to the sea, the result is a journey that plays with reality and fiction and brings a reflection on life, death and the certainty that there is always something to learn along the way.

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