
Solutions Focused

A promotional image for a documentary described as a participatory exploration of Ontario's Basic Income Pilot. The image features a wall with several photographs of individuals holding signs, and a person on a stepladder placing or adjusting one of the pictures. The wall also includes laurels indicating the film's selection for various festivals. Additionally, there's a symbol for the International Motion Picture Awards. The setting appears to be an exhibition or a public area.

A Human Picture

Centred on Ontario’s short-lived, but transformational Basic Income Pilot, this documentary sparks curiosity, fosters understanding, and encourages open dialogue about the transformative potential of basic income by combining emotional narratives, real-life impact stories, expert insights and creative visuals.

Following the film, join us for Panel: Impact of Basic Income.

A BMX rider is captured mid-air performing a stunt, with their body horizontal to the ground and legs kicked out to the side, above a yellow bicycle. The bike's reflection is visible on the wet surface below. The shot is set against an urban park backdrop with historical buildings, bare trees, and a clear blue sky. Onlookers are seen in the distance. The low angle of the photograph emphasizes the height of the jump and the skill of the rider.

The Engine Inside

The Engine Inside tells the stories of six everyday people from all over the globe who reveal the unique power of the bicycle to change lives and build a better world. Through their stories, the film uncovers the often-overlooked potential of this 200-year-old machine, exploring its impact on a wide range of global issues such as physical and mental health, socioeconomic inequality and climate change.

Three people are working in a garden during what appears to be the early morning, given the soft sunlight. They are all dressed in the same white garments while tending to the plants, which are in neat rows and supported by a wire structure. The lush greenery in the background suggests a fertile, well-maintained agricultural environment.

Seeds of Change

An organic farmer in Maine sets out to transform the prison food system. Filmed over the course of two years, Seeds of Change chronicles the intersecting stories of lifelong farmer Mark McBrine and several incarcerated men as they grow their own food from a five acre prison garden unlike any other.

A sunset over a desert cityscape with the sun low in the sky, casting a warm glow and creating a silhouette of the mountains in the background. There are outlines of buildings and palm trees against the light, and the foreground shows arid terrain with sparse vegetation typical of a desert. In the lower left corner, there's text that reads "HOW TO POWER A CITY," suggesting the image may be related to a documentary or educational content focusing on urban energy topics. The sky above is clear with minimal clouds, allowing the sunlight to dominate the scene.

How To Power A City

How to Power A City provides a front-row seat to communities battling fossil fuel dependence by bringing solar and wind projects to their hometowns. Filmed in six locations, the stories reveal how a diverse cast prevailed against myriad obstacles such as indifferent politicians, technical impasses, public ignorance, cost, and natural and manmade disasters. It is a solutions-focused climate story.

Guest in attendance, Q&A with Melanie La Rosa

A woman stands outside a brick building, holding a box of Playtex tampons and a long printed receipt. They are smiling at the camera, dressed in a cozy, textured beige jacket with a navy blue top visible underneath. Their curly hair is pulled back from their face, and they wear round earrings.


Periodical tells the unexpected story of the human body by exploring the marvel and mystery of the menstrual cycle, from first period to last. Lina Lyte Plioplyte’s innovative documentary uncovers shocking truths, challenges taboos, and celebrates the end of centuries of societal stigma.

Related VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: Period Poverty & Advocacy | Tuesday, Jan 30 at 7:00PM EST – Pre-register now!

An individual, likely a mature adult given the visible gray beard and wrinkles, is aiming a laser gun. The device is held up to their face, and their focused gaze is directed towards the target. They are wearing a gray beanie and a dark jacket, and the background is softly blurred with a clear sky, indicating an outdoor setting during the day. The device’s detailed mechanics are visible, emphasizing a the advanced technology.


Deep in the Mojave desert, an unconventional field biologist wages a high-tech war against ravens – laser cannons, drones, exploding turtle shells – in a last ditch effort to save the last few desert tortoises from extinction.

A dog stands atop a vast landscape of debris under a hazy sky, with the sun low on the horizon casting a warm glow over the scene. The landfill is littered with varied waste, and the dog's silhouette is outlined against the bright backdrop of the sun. The atmosphere appears calm yet somber, with the desolation of the waste and the solitary figure of the dog creating a poignant contrast.

Plastic Fantastic

Our planet is permeated with plastic particles. This film follows several people who deal with the disposal of plastic, as well as its production. In the process, the system that causes the mountains of plastic to grow becomes apparent.

Register for the Virtual Q&A | Wednesday, Jan 31 at 10AM EST

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