
8:00 PM

Three individuals are standing in a triangle for what appears to be a knighting ceremony. One person is turned away from the camera, showing only their back. On top of their shoulder lays the end of a sword, held by the person across from them. That person is standing with a serious demeanor, dressed in a biker-style vest with various patches. The third person stands to the right of the biker, staring at the sword with a focused expression.

Praying For Armageddon

The Countdown to Armageddon has begun. As biblical prophecy fuels political power, American Evangelicals threaten U.S. democracy and push for the Apocalypse in the Middle East. With close-quarters journalism, this feature documentary takes a deep dive into power and policy, and investigates the dangerous consequences of a fusion between Evangelical Christianity and American politics.

In a dimly lit pub, a group of people are gathered, some sitting and some standing. The focus is on a person playing a banjo in the center, surrounded by onlookers who are attentively listening or waiting their turn to perform. The mood is casual and communal, typical of an informal music session. The image is monochromatic, which adds a timeless and candid feel to the scene.

North Circular

Those in power write the history. Those who struggle write the songs. North Circular is a documentary musical that travels the length of Dublin’s North Circular Road, from the Phoenix Park to Dublin Port, exploring the history, music and streetscapes of a street that links some of the country’s most beloved and infamous places.

A minimalist artistic illustration depicting a series of wavy, horizontal lines against a dark blue background, representing hills. Scattered across the hills are simple, triangular shapes that suggest trees. Above this tranquil scene, there are multiple round shapes with a textured appearance, representing moons or celestial bodies. The use of light greenish-yellow for these elements creates a striking contrast with the dark background, giving the impression of a night scene. The composition is serene, with a whimsical or dreamlike quality.

There Are Hierarchies of Grief

Smokii Sumac reflects on the wisdom and strength of bereaved mothers, as he is faced with the grief of waking up to a changed world–the day after Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States. There have been mornings worse than this one.

A BMX rider is captured mid-air performing a stunt, with their body horizontal to the ground and legs kicked out to the side, above a yellow bicycle. The bike's reflection is visible on the wet surface below. The shot is set against an urban park backdrop with historical buildings, bare trees, and a clear blue sky. Onlookers are seen in the distance. The low angle of the photograph emphasizes the height of the jump and the skill of the rider.

The Engine Inside

The Engine Inside tells the stories of six everyday people from all over the globe who reveal the unique power of the bicycle to change lives and build a better world. Through their stories, the film uncovers the often-overlooked potential of this 200-year-old machine, exploring its impact on a wide range of global issues such as physical and mental health, socioeconomic inequality and climate change.

A dense crowd of people gathered at night on a city street, viewed from an elevated perspective. The black and white image captures the scene's high contrast, with streetlights illuminating the scene and a canopy tent visible in the distance. Buildings line the street and a spire looms in the background. The crowd's attention seems directed towards a point not visible in the image, possibly a stage or event out of frame.

Poisoned Well

On October 12, 2022 a terrorist attack in Bratislava results in the death of innocent LGBTQ+ people. There is no political response. Through intimate interviews, Poisoned Well explores the emotional toll of fear and self-defense in the face of widespread homophobia.

A black and white image of a snowy park setting, an individual is seated alone on a picnic table, dressed warmly in a heavy coat with a fur-lined hood, gloves, and a winter hat. The background features leafless trees, indicating it's a cold season, and buildings that suggest an urban environment. The person's posture and the empty park convey a sense of solitude or reflection.

Last Respects

Montreal priest Father Claude Paradis believes that all lives are worthy of respect. So in 2014, he created an annual ceremony to celebrate the lives of the “unclaimed.” Thanks to Father Paradis’ compassionate gesture, these people are granted a final moment of dignity.

Guests in attendance, Q&A with Megan Durnford

A figure with an avant-garde appearance is positioned in the foreground, dressed in what appears to be a white costume with structural, organic shapes enveloping the body and an elaborate headpiece resembling a stylized, textured wig or headdress. The figure's face is painted white, with darkened eyes and lips, and exhibits a neutral expression. The background shows an interior space with curved architecture and multiple people in motion, possibly a subway station or a public concourse, with a softly blurred focus that suggests movement and life happening around the still, striking figure in the foreground.


Gena, a Queer artist from a small town in Russia, dresses in otherworldly costumes made from junk and tape, and protests the government on the streets of Moscow. She stages radical performances in public that become a new form of art and activism. The performances—often dark, strange, evocative, and Queer at their core — are a manifestation of Gena’s subconscious. But they come at a price.

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