
Human Rights

An adult and a child are walking hand in hand down a dusty rural path. The adult is wearing a white t-shirt with a logo, khaki pants, a cap, and sunglasses, and is carrying a backpack and a camera. The child is dressed in a striped school uniform and carrying a lollipop. In the background, there is a vehicle driving behind them. Beyond the vehicle stretches a landscape of rolling hills and sparse vegetation under a clear sky suggesting a warm, dry climate.

Sarura. The future is an unknown place

At the gates of the Negev desert, a group of young Palestinians fight against the Israeli military occupation. The “Youth of Sumud” – youth of steadfast perseverance – try to return to their people the land that was taken from their families, restructuring the ancient cave village of Sarura. They face aggression with nonviolent action, defending themselves from rifles with their video cameras.

Guest in attendance, Q&A with Nicola Zambelli

Three individuals are standing in a triangle for what appears to be a knighting ceremony. One person is turned away from the camera, showing only their back. On top of their shoulder lays the end of a sword, held by the person across from them. That person is standing with a serious demeanor, dressed in a biker-style vest with various patches. The third person stands to the right of the biker, staring at the sword with a focused expression.

Praying For Armageddon

The Countdown to Armageddon has begun. As biblical prophecy fuels political power, American Evangelicals threaten U.S. democracy and push for the Apocalypse in the Middle East. With close-quarters journalism, this feature documentary takes a deep dive into power and policy, and investigates the dangerous consequences of a fusion between Evangelical Christianity and American politics.

A swimmer is resting at the edge of a swimming pool, wearing a white swim cap with "R.O.T. MARDINI" printed on it alongside the Olympic rings and a logo for the brand "arena". The swimmer is leaning their arms on the poolside and has their face turned to one side, looking thoughtful or focused. Water droplets are visible on the swimmer's cap, indicating recent activity in the pool. The pool water has a bright blue color, which suggests an indoor setting with good lighting.

Long Distance Swimmer – Sara Mardini

Sara Mardini, once a competitive swimmer in Syria, became Europe’s most celebrated refugee after saving 18 people’s lives. After working as a rescue volunteer in the Mediterranean, she is accused of people smuggling and faces a 25-year prison sentence. We follow her fight for justice and journey of self-discovery against the backdrop of Europe’s refugee ‘crisis’.

A promotional image for a documentary described as a participatory exploration of Ontario's Basic Income Pilot. The image features a wall with several photographs of individuals holding signs, and a person on a stepladder placing or adjusting one of the pictures. The wall also includes laurels indicating the film's selection for various festivals. Additionally, there's a symbol for the International Motion Picture Awards. The setting appears to be an exhibition or a public area.

A Human Picture

Centred on Ontario’s short-lived, but transformational Basic Income Pilot, this documentary sparks curiosity, fosters understanding, and encourages open dialogue about the transformative potential of basic income by combining emotional narratives, real-life impact stories, expert insights and creative visuals.

Following the film, join us for Panel: Impact of Basic Income.

The interior of a vehicle with three individuals, captured seemingly from a dashboard camera. The face of the person in the front passenger seat is pixelated for privacy. In the back seat, one individual is leaning forward, looking at a map spread out over the center armrest, while another person in the back appears to be looking down, partially obscured from view. The individual examining the map has a beard and wears a dark jacket. The setting seems to be during the day, as daylight is visible through the car windows.

Manufacturing The Threat

Manufacturing the Threat is a thrilling and emotional film, which examines a deeply disturbing episode in Canadian history when an impoverished couple was coerced by undercover law enforcement agents into carrying out a terrorist bombing. Further, viewers learn that this case is far from unique in the context of Canadian intelligence.

Guests in attendance, Q&A with Amy Miller

A dense crowd of people gathered at night on a city street, viewed from an elevated perspective. The black and white image captures the scene's high contrast, with streetlights illuminating the scene and a canopy tent visible in the distance. Buildings line the street and a spire looms in the background. The crowd's attention seems directed towards a point not visible in the image, possibly a stage or event out of frame.

Poisoned Well

On October 12, 2022 a terrorist attack in Bratislava results in the death of innocent LGBTQ+ people. There is no political response. Through intimate interviews, Poisoned Well explores the emotional toll of fear and self-defense in the face of widespread homophobia.

A person is seated on a curb in a parking lot, wearing a tie-dye dress and sandals, with a small blue handbag next to them. They have a tattoo on their arm and are wearing a name tag sticker. The person looks off to the side with a thoughtful expression. Behind them, there is a car parked and trees that suggest the area could be near an office or a public building. The setting appears to be during the day with overcast weather.

Is There Anybody Out There?

While navigating daily discrimination, a filmmaker who inhabits and loves her unusual body searches the world for another person like her, and explores what it takes to love oneself fiercely despite the pervasiveness of ableism.

A group of soccer players are huddled together, celebrating near the edge of the field. They are surrounded by vibrant flares and smoke, mostly in red, adding to the dramatic atmosphere. In the background, the crowd is animated, with some fans waving flags energetically. The scene is at night, under artificial lighting, and captures the energy and excitement typical of a soccer match.

Allihopa: The Dalkurd Story

The inspirational story of The Dalkurd Football Club, a scrappy group of Kurdish refugees in Sweden who defy all odds to climb the ranks of Sweden’s soccer leagues in hopes of becoming champions, and bringing glory and attention to the plight of their stateless people.

Register for the virtual Q&A | Wednesday, Jan 31 at 5:30PM EST

Three people are working in a garden during what appears to be the early morning, given the soft sunlight. They are all dressed in the same white garments while tending to the plants, which are in neat rows and supported by a wire structure. The lush greenery in the background suggests a fertile, well-maintained agricultural environment.

Seeds of Change

An organic farmer in Maine sets out to transform the prison food system. Filmed over the course of two years, Seeds of Change chronicles the intersecting stories of lifelong farmer Mark McBrine and several incarcerated men as they grow their own food from a five acre prison garden unlike any other.

A person's hand is gently touching the cheek of a large, unfinished sculpted head and shoulders. The sculpture is highly detailed, with lifelike facial features, and it is mounted on a stand. In the background, there is an assortment of artistic materials and another bust sculpture, indicating that the setting is likely an artist's studio.

Alive in Bronze

Sculptor Dana King’s hands and activist Fredrika Newton’s memories come together to build a new monument—a bust of Black Panther Party leader Huey P. Newton for the Oakland community that he loved and shaped. As the sculpture takes form, more than just a face is revealed.

A firefighter is walking through a desolate scene of devastation following a fire. The ground is charred and covered in ash, and there's smoke in the air, obscuring the visibility. Trees and structures appear to be badly burned, with some trees reduced to bare trunks. This image conveys the aftermath of a significant fire event, highlighting the destruction and the ongoing response by emergency services.


From director Phillipe Falardeau, one of Canada’s most successful and acclaimed contemporary filmmakers, Lac-Mégantic investigates one of the worst oil train tragedies in history, a foreseeable catastrophe ignited by corporate and political negligence. The next Lac-Mégantic is not a matter of if, but when.

A person stands on a balcony with their arms crossed, surrounded by graffiti-covered walls. Behind them, a cityscape with various buildings in different states of construction and maintenance is visible. The contrast between the neglected foreground and the bustling city background highlights a narrative of urban resilience and perhaps social issues. The sunlight casts shadows, adding to the gritty ambiance of the setting.

The Cities I Live In

Newly settled in Belfast, a filmmaker tells his infant twins about his life journey. They see him leaving one violent place for another, longing for places that he will never see again, and hoping they will not carry his curse.

A hand with the palm facing forward and fingers slightly apart, set against a backdrop of a rock surface with natural lines and crevices. The lighting is soft and dim, suggesting either early morning or late afternoon, with warm tones that give the skin a reddish hue, contrasting with the cooler tones of the rock. The focus is on the hand, which is centered in the frame, while the rock surface in the background is slightly blurred. The composition is simple and evocative.

There’s Not Much We Can Do

In this personal essay documentary, the director reflects on getting diagnosed with endometriosis through observing the invasive Japanese Knotweed. While the plant is treated with urgency, the disease is met with inaction, prompting us to question the very things we consider “natural” in the first place.

A person is standing in the center of a street with one fist raised high. The individual is wearing a dark beanie, a t-shirt, and jeans, and has a serious expression. The street is lined with various commercial buildings and cars are visible in both directions. The context of the raised fist, a symbol often associated with solidarity and support for a cause, suggests a moment of protest or statement. The image captures a sense of defiance or activism.

Detroit Will Breathe

In the summer of 2020, Detroiters faced unprecedented police violence as they took to the streets to protest the killings of Black people across the country. Detroit Will Breathe provides an unprecedented look into the actions of the police and examines what it means to be part of an integrated movement fighting for Black lives.

A woman stands outside a brick building, holding a box of Playtex tampons and a long printed receipt. They are smiling at the camera, dressed in a cozy, textured beige jacket with a navy blue top visible underneath. Their curly hair is pulled back from their face, and they wear round earrings.


Periodical tells the unexpected story of the human body by exploring the marvel and mystery of the menstrual cycle, from first period to last. Lina Lyte Plioplyte’s innovative documentary uncovers shocking truths, challenges taboos, and celebrates the end of centuries of societal stigma.

Related VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: Period Poverty & Advocacy | Tuesday, Jan 30 at 7:00PM EST – Pre-register now!

A person with braided hair is standing at a locker, looking over their shoulder with a contemplative expression. They are wearing casual clothing and a backpack, indicating they could be a student. The hallway in the background is blurred.

Loud & Here

After noticing too many cases of sexual violence going unreported or unpunished within their own schools, 23 teen girls decided to take matters into their own hands to make meaningful changes to school board policy across Québec.

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